Life is too precious to spend in pain. Sometimes all you need is an expert to help fix your problem, NOW!
The Best Care for YOU with Results that Matter!

What Can I Do Now?
We understand that many people wait too long before they recognize that their pain is too unbearable to manage themselves anymore...
Sometimes you just need to talk to a doctor RIGHT NOW to see what your options are to deal with the pain you are in right now.
What People Are Saying:
Calf Pain Gone, Now Running Marathon Distances!
"I used to wake up and carefully take the first few steps out of bed because my lower legs would be tight and stiff. Now I can spring out of bed now. I used to just resign myself to the fact that my calves would ache after a run for hours. Now, I can't remember the last time that my calves ached. I used to try every contraption, gadget and stretch to alleviate leg pain - tens units, the stick, compression socks and the like. Now, they sit in a bin collecting dust. I used to be able to run 2 days in a row and then would have to take a day of rest. Now, I run multiple days without needing to take a rest day. And, yes, all of this means that I can run pain free and enjoy running so much more."
Nirav Dalal
Running Strong After Knee Pain
"As an avid trail runner in my 40’s, averaging 40 miles a week on beautiful mountain trails and loves to race, I tend to deal with an assortment of running injuries. I thought it was just the nature of the sport and that I already knew how to run. I was wrong. Dr. Corey, an advanced and effortless trail runner himself, is always educating me on new techniques while observing my form for the risk of potential injuries. Dr. Corey shares a wealth of knowledge and technique in the field of running and models everything he advocates in his own running. In fact he advocates physical health and integrates simple effective exercises throughout his day.
After finally giving into my knee pain, I was preparing to take a long break from running to heal. Addressing the problem with Dr. Corey, he actually kept me on the trail with new exercises and tools for practicing a lighter run. The knee pain is almost completely gone and I am still running. On our runs, he can even tell if my form is wrong just by the sound of my foot hitting the trail or the efficiency of my cardiovascular system by the sound of my breathing and observing my posture.
If you're like me and want to be able to enjoy the amazing liberating sport of running through old age, and/or become a strong efficient runner, I recommend Dr. Corey for his valuable knowledge. You will be learning from a calm and patient teacher."
Off to the trails,
Boyd Becker-Nunley
Run with Less Effort, Less Pain...
WITHOUT Drugs or Surgery!
Improve Form: It's easier than you think!
Decrease Injury: Less impact = Less OUCH
Harness Your Energy to Run Faster: It's all within you waiting to be released!
Feel the JOY of Achieving your Goals: Do you want to run or walk FARTHER? FASTER? HEALTHIER? Walking now but want to run? It's all possible with ChiRunning and ChiWalking.