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Running Injury Pandemic!
Running is one of the most popular forms of exercise, but injuries are also very common, with many runners missing training time due to...

How Your Running Form is Hurting You
When looking at runners' motion on video, there are many things to look at, but there are some general things that I see as opportunities...

Running is GREAT for Your Knees, if...
Hey everybody, I'm just sick and tired of hearing people complain about running being bad for your knees. It's just not true! Studies...

Avoid Joint Replacements: Some First Resorts to Try
Before you run the risk of infection, blood clots, and even death (in rare cases, but it does happen). Getting surgery does not...

Life Skills: Decoding patterns in the 166 hours per week you're not in PT
You have 168 hours total in a week, but I may only see you as a PT client for maybe 1-2 hours of that. That makes it very difficult to...

The Math of Running Mechanics
Suppose you’re a normal runner who takes about 160 steps per minute, and let's say you run for about 30 minutes, landing at an impact of...

Focus While Running
A really important process to becoming a more efficient runner is to focus on things that seem to be awkward at first but become better...

How Strong is Your Desire to Change?
Do you treat your body like a beat up station wagon, or do you treat it as a temple for your spirit here on earth until you die? Do you...

Now More Than Ever
In these times, there is a tendency for craziness to take over the days. We hurry to work, try to get everything done by deadlines, eat...

What is Total Motion Release?
Total Motion Release (TMR): This one is hard to explain than to just show you, so bear with me. TMR comes from a therapist in North...
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