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Turning Over All the Stones
When I thought about how I could take patients through their journey to vibrant health, I wanted something that would leave “no stone...
Your Body is So Intelligent. Trust it!
We are made in the Creator's image, and we are so powerful beyond measure. Our bodies are so resilient and adaptive to whatever we craft...
Avoid Joint Replacements: Some First Resorts to Try
Before you run the risk of infection, blood clots, and even death (in rare cases, but it does happen). Getting surgery does not...
Lessons from Tee-Ball
I’m so excited that my 5 year-old son Tyler is playing t-ball—since I’m a big baseball fan in general and love practicing with him. It’s...
Book Review: The True Power of Water, By Masaru Emoto
Book Review by Trent Corey, PT, DPT This is truly extraordinary stuff, yet it is so basic to our very fabric and essence in our cells. ...
How Much Do You Truly SMILE at Work?
The word "vocation" actually comes from the Latin word "vocari" which means "to call." I don’t know how much you know about me and my...
Life Skills: Decoding patterns in the 166 hours per week you're not in PT
You have 168 hours total in a week, but I may only see you as a PT client for maybe 1-2 hours of that. That makes it very difficult to...
Healing With Love, Forgiveness, and Kindness
My program with teaching my runners involves love, forgiveness and kindness of yourself and others. This is what I learned from Master...
How Strong is Your Desire to Change?
Do you treat your body like a beat up station wagon, or do you treat it as a temple for your spirit here on earth until you die? Do you...
The Earth as an Anti-Inflammatory
SO MANY OF US are being exposed to electric energy that is having inflammatory effects in the body that we don't even know of--until now!...
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